Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does debossing work?
Debossing has a four-step process.

1) Metal plate – When it comes to debossing, the first step is to create a metal plate containing your design. It involves using a dye-cutting process for a flawless look. Once the plates are ready, the manufacturer formulates how deeply the design will be stamped into the product.

2) Wake up the machine – Once the plate has been inscribed, it is fit into the machine that will stamp the product with your custom design. The reason why machines are used in debossing is that they improve the accuracy and efficiency of the printing and generate custom products at a faster speed.

3) Debossing requires pressure – Debossing machines can develop severe conditions that result in a logo becoming a permanent part of products. Debossing demands extreme pressure and allows the design down far enough into the material to permanently preserve the artwork.

4) High temperature – Debossing uses high temperatures to change the material into the desired logo shape. It usually works at 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Due to such high temperatures, the customized imprint looks unique and stylish and won’t flake or fade over time.

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